Kinwong Enter List of enterprises conforming to the Printed Circuit Board Industry Specification Conditions

January 26, 2022


Shenzhen Kinwong Electronic Co., Ltd. (multilayer boards, flexible boards) and Kinwong Electronic Technology (Longchuan) Co., Ltd. (multilayer boards, flexible boards, metal-based circuit boards) enter the third batch of lists that meet the “standard conditions for the printed circuit industry” issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China.


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has formulated the “Regulations for the Printed Circuit Board Industry”, which aims to promote technological and management innovation of enterprises, improve product quality and production efficiency, reduce production costs, and create a group of internationally influential, technologically advanced, “specialized, special and new”. enterprise. In terms of production scale and process technology, enterprises are required to have integrated solutions for production, research and development, and sales, with research and development expenses not less than 3% of the company’s main business income in the year, and have high-tech enterprise qualifications or R&D institutions and technology centers at or above the provincial level. , with strong intellectual property protection capabilities.